Further speed improvement

We are always looking at ways to improve the performance of HosPortal' s rostering software to make the experience better for all our users.

As we get larger and manage more rosters (see our last blog post) the pressure is always on to make our software faster. We have recently undertaken a review of all our databases involved in self-roster processes to significantly improve the speed and make sure everyone gets a good experience when competing for shifts.

More recently, in the last month we have made some more fundamental changes to our software that have improved speed across the board by about one third. Don't just take our word for it...see the performance metrics from our monitoring tools attached here.

In practice, it means we have shaved about 90 milliseconds off each and every user action. It may not sound like a lot of time, but we think it is important as we keep abreast of our users' expectations.


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Further growth in HosPortal