Manage Leave
Manage leave and approvals. Make sure that rosters are built with the latest information and manage leave approval workflow.
Allow users to request leave
Allow users, or users of certain types, to request leave from their profile page. Allow users to upload documents and track comments.
Manage leave requests
Allow adminstrators to search for and approve leave. Let users see any conflicts before they apply.
Automatically notify administrators when leave is requested and make it easy for them to make leave decisions.
Filter leave by leave type and staff type; sort leave by date requested to ensure first requests are processed first.
Set leave approval rules
Set sophisticated rules to automatically approve or decline leave. Or use the default and let an administrator approve each leave request. Block out conferences, school holidays and other high-demand periods.
See leave in one place
View and export all leave. Send leave reports automatically to HR. See leave on the roster and clinical allocations pages.
Clearly show leave conflicts
Highlight potential errors in your roster by highlighting people who are staffed on leave days. When filling the roster filter out people on leave. Administrators can override leave rules to meet operational needs.