Coming out the other side of COVID-19: resetting the emergency-stop button

We have seen some evidence in Australia that hospitals are starting to see the light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel. We are getting  a spike in inbound sales enquiries. And it appears that - with the hectic pre-COVID planning mostly out of the road - doctors actually have some time to think again: about how to make their lives easier, less stressful and safer.For hospitals and health facilities interested in how HosPortal healthcare scheduling software can assist with rostering, on-call, leave and communications in the post-COVID world, we have some useful tools to assist:

  • demonstration sites that you can explore
  • customised demonstration sites that we are happy to set up for you, if you have particular needs
  • business case templates, for pitching to private/corporate or government department approvers
  • time analysis spreadsheets to show the costs and benefits of HosPortal in detail
  • a long catalogue of the non-financial benefits of improved electronic rostering software that may assist with getting approval to implement new tools in your department.

All of this is backed up by our commercial and flexible management team that would be happy to discuss how we can assist, and come to the right commercial outcome for your needs and budget.Please get in touch using the 'Contact Us' button at the top of the page if you want to find out more.(photo courtesy of EC Products UK)


New tools to manage your rosters - built for physicians


More new features - SMS for call swaps and changes