More new features - SMS for call swaps and changes

If you want to use its full power, HosPortal allows users to make swaps and changes between themselves without the need for any administrator intervention or approval. Over many years this has proved to be safe and reliable. Partly because there is a robust audit and notification trail. This comprises:

  1. A real-time email sent to each person involved in the swap or change.
  2. A publicly-visible change log that can be accessed and searched by all users, showing who made the change.
  3. If you want, other notifications that can go to any number of other users (such as administrators) by email.

At the request of one of our customers, the real-time notification now has an SMS option which can be set separately for each on-call roster. So you now have the option to send SMS as well as an email, or send an SMS instead of an email. And because we know that many doctors like to minimise their communications, you can turn off all real-time notification altogether. 


Coming out the other side of COVID-19: resetting the emergency-stop button


Setting up ad hoc rosters and the 'volunteer' function