New tools to manage your rosters - built for physicians
Cartoon by Dr Michelle Au from her actually quite awesome website
HosPortal healthcare scheduling software is increasingly in demand for managing physicians and general medicine rosters. A feature about these rosters is that there a lot of them in any one hospital, and they often have particular staffing needs. In response, HosPortal has made a number of enhancements that makes management of these rosters much easier:
Sophisticated roster tags and filters. This allows users and administrators to focus on the rosters they are interested in. For instance, the switchboard can filter to see just the overnight rosters, or the Emergency Department can filter to just see the speciality medicine rosters.
More flexible colour-coding of rosters, which can switch between a colour for each roster, of a colour for each category (e.g. all the after hours rosters)
More powerful roster templates and patterns. It is now trivially easy to populate someone on a 13-week roster and still allow for flexibility for changes due to leave and illness.
Roster patterns that can be based on a daily cycle. So if you have 17 doctors who rotate through a night shift, you can set a 17 day repeat pattern.
We have also considerably enhanced our preference-based self-roster tools to make them more powerful for physicians. More about that in later posts.