Your feedback invited

HosPortal has made many many enhancements since we went live with the rebuilt version of our medical rostering software in 2022. In 2024 alone we have already made 280 separate changes and improvements…and another 49 are scheduled for release next week.

One of the challenges of so many improvements is that we risk just adding more and more features without periodically stepping back to make sure that they all hang together and are intuitive and useable to brand new users. There are more demands being placed in particular on how our mobile interface works: many administrators want to use some of our most complex roster admin functionality on their mobile devices and not have to rely on laptops at all.

So now we want to take stock. In the next few weeks we will be asking our most important users to provide feedback on their experience, with a particular focus on how well HosPortal works on mobile devices. We already know what some of that feedback will be and already have work underway to address to obvious stuff. But every user has a slightly different experience, and each customer uses different features and uses them in different ways.

So if you do have views, or would like to participate in our research, please respond to the message that will pop up when you log in in the next few weeks. You will be asked to suggest some times when you can be available. Then we will arrange a one-on-one discussion over video screen-share so we can see exactly what you see on HosPortal’s interface and we can test various options for improvements.

But if you cannot wait, you can get in touch via our contact page and arrange a time that way.


See our new AI rostering tool in action


See our new rostering tools in actions