Welcome to Geoff, our new Customer Success Manager

It has been a busy - some might say intense - time over the last month at HosPortal. The traditional Australian holiday season, when even ambitious software entrepreneurs like to put their feet up and spend time with family and friends, coincided with a swag of new and exciting customers and early-in-the-new-year deadlines.Adding to the load was the long-anticipated departure of Eliza, our Customer Services Manager, now that she has finished her university studies.But we had a very shiny silver lining to our workload cloud: the arrival of our new Customer Success Manager, Geoffrey Chai. Geoff is an excellent find. He has previously trained as a pharmacist and spent some years in a major public hospital dispensary before honing further skills that show his diligence, attention to detail and interpersonal tact by working in a pharmaceutical compliance team.He is now retraining to get an Information Technology degree, with a focus on cyber security.Although there is a lot to learn about the complexity of our software and the myriad of ways our customers use it, Geoff has hit the ground running and has already proven he will be well-loved by our customers.


Welcome to our new Developer Intern, Ben


Software vs actual real live people