Privacy and security

Personal data privacy and security is necessarily getting a lot of attention at the moment. Laws are becoming more stringent, with the European Union's GDPR regulations being one of the most onerous. As its website states, "The EU General Data Protection the most important change in data privacy regulation in 20 years."With this heightened attention, and the increasing sales presence of HosPortal in more countries (recently: New Zealand, South Africa, Malaysia, Singapore and Ireland), we are getting more questions about our data protection and privacy controls.Generally, we have found that these countries have similar requirements that HosPortal already complies with in Australia. It also helps that HosPortal does not keep data that is considered 'sensitive personal information' in most jurisdictions: we store no patient or health information, and store only the minimum and necessary information required to contact doctors who are on-call. Which we collect with the doctors' consent.We would be pleased to talk to anyone interested in how we manage our data. Get in touch if you want to know more.


RACMA conference 2019


Great endorsement!