Great endorsement!

We recently added another hospital that wanted to manage their on-call rosters using HosPortal. This hospital was previously using another roster provider that doctors and hospital administrators were getting frustrated with.When we uploaded their users, we identified a doctor who has used HosPortal at a total of nine hospitals, about a third of all our customers. And he is delighted. He was happy to be quoted anonymously...we think this quote from his email speaks for itself:I’m super proud to go down in the history books as the user with the most hospital profiles. I’d like to thank HosPortal for taking over the rostering world which as far as I’m concerned it’s a very good thing!The extremely experienced hospital administrator is happy too..."the easiest roster I have ever run" she stated when we caught up with her.To see another happy doctor, see this news link here:, we can't explain it either!


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