Patient surveys for doctors and other health professionals

For some time now, the team at HosPortal has been keen to address a poorly-served niche in the market for getting pre- and post-operative feedback from patients. We are glad that we are weeks away from offering our new product, HosPortal Connect.It is suitable for surgical and anaesthetic practice groups, hospitals of any size, and individual practitioners. It has features that are likely to make it suitable for almost any service profession, from vets and dentists to engineers and lawyers.

Distinctive features of Connect patient surveys

Features include:

  • Patient privacy. Designed to meet Australian medical data privacy guidelines
  • Simple. Easy enough for a practice manager or medical secretary to administer and run without a lot of training
  • Sophisticated and flexible. Sophisticated enough to run complex surveys and question types, all configurable from a user's desktop
  • Clinical alerts for doctors. Specific medical alerts, for instance instant text messages to a doctor or practice manager, when a patient selects certain responses (fully customisable, for instance pain score > 8, or post-operative vomiting)
  • Bulk upload. Ability to upload patients from a practice management system, and select the correct survey based on a patient's demographics (e.g. paediatric or geriatric versions of a survey, particular questions that an individual practitioner in a practice group wants based on their own case mix)
  • Useful for improving practices. Easy reporting and analysis.
  • Efficient. A quick and easy way of securing Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points

We look forward to showing more in the coming weeks.


ANZCA and RACS conference


HosPortal is growing