ANZCA and RACS conference

HosPortal is demonstrating at the ANZCA (anaesthetists) and RACS (surgeons) conferences this week in Sydney.We have been overwhelmed by the positive interest from potential new customers. In the first two days we have had interest from a dozen hospitals across five Australian states and New Zealand. This includes a couple of really large public hospitals, and an influential private hospital where the Head of Department is mustard-keen for us to convince his finance colleagues to replace a competitor.

Hospital rostering software competitors

Speaking of competitors, we are all still amazed at how many hospitals and department still use creaky old spreadsheets and ancient macros.We have also had great feedback from our current users. Some have come to our exhibition stand just to say how much they love our software, and how much it has improved their lives.Most of the Sydney-based team has been on the stand at various times. Here is a photo of some of the HosPortal family. Including our newest and youngest member, Holly, who we could not manage to coax a smile out of!


Quality giveaways, and a rebellious political statement


Patient surveys for doctors and other health professionals