HosPortal is making a Splash

Those of you who have been watching what we are doing at HosPortal will have seen we have recently made some changes. The most obvious one to some of you will our new external website and our new logo and branding which was ably executed by Linda and the team at Fuel Creative.Part of the trigger for this was our new business structure. After many years with Chris working on refining and maintaining HosPortal, he now has a new business partner, Charles (that’s me – hi!). And we have new staff. More about them in later posts.Charles and Chris have been talking for years about what HosPortal could become if given a some additional resources and a bit of publicity. (They have also been talking about other things – they have been mates since, as far as we can remember, 1979). A deal was completed earlier this year that involved increasing the capital of the business and spending it on making a more stand-alone corporate structure and increasing our brand presence.In the coming posts we’ll keep you posted on other exciting changes.


New customer – Tennant Creek Hospital


Group Network Acquisition