Group Network Acquisition

After many months of exploration and discussion, HosPortal acquired the business of Group Network in August. The new owners could not be more delighted.There are many similarities between the two business: HosPortal and Group Network have both been designed, and coded and enhanced over 10 years by anaesthetists who deeply understand what doctors require from the hospital rostering and communications tools. As a result, the core functionality in both products was similar.But there are also excellent complementarities in bringing the businesses together. Ross Smith, the prior owner of Group Network, had developed good relationships with some of the leading private hospitals in Sydney, with over 1,500 users. HosPortal was strongest in the public hospital market, with 17 public hospitals in three states. The demands of each of these group is slightly different, so the transaction may not have been possible had HosPortal not invested heavily in 2016 to develop the capability of serving the private market. The success of this approach was demonstrated in winning St George Private in late 2016 in a head-to-head pitch against – yes – Group Network.In later posts we’ll talk about what we are doing behind the scenes to make sure that group Network’s customers have as-seamless-as-possible transition to HosPortal.


HosPortal is making a Splash