Further updates to HosPortal
HosPortal’s new administrator dashboard
It has been an exciting time here at HosPortal following the launch of our brand-new and more powerful rostering software in February. We have received and responded to dozens of comments and requests by making enhancements, clarifications and functional changes…and fixed the odd bug. The process is ongoing, but we are delighted that the feedback has been extremely positive.
The people who are even more excited are our new customers, who can most easily and quickly make use of many of our new features without having to think about how it affects existing users and without changing established work practices. Some of the features they are most excited by include:
An administrative dashboard for administrators, to make it easier to see daily tasks all in one place (example shown in the screenshot here).
More sophisticated workflow rules, to allow administrators to approve requests
More powerful and more flexible self-rostering features. There are many customers who use quite complex rules and points-based quota systems that we now accommodate straight from the roster management screens.
Bulk edit features, including multi-select editing and multi-week draft and publishing.
Far more detailed audit logs: every shift change and every communication is able to be reviewed in easy-to-access locations. It also takes a load off HosPortal admin staff who used to have to do some of these audits on behalf of our customers.