Fit for purpose

You might be aware that HosPortal is currently looking for a business development manager to help us make use of the massive list of inbound sales enquiries. We have previously used recruiters and various websites to help us find staff and all of them have frustrations and pitfalls. Finding one that is fit for purpose is difficult. Recruiters are good to do a lot of the work but are phenomenally expensive. Seek has pretty powerful workflow tools. And LinkedIn seems to have generated the best list of candidates. But all of these methods have their frustrations.

By far the most frustrating was the professional recruiting firm that, in the middle of the second engagement we gave them, then tried to poach our staff. Clearly not a good fit!

But second to that is trying to use LinkedIn to manage a list of candidates. When you get a large candidate list you want to be able to quickly filter by stage of recruiting, not just whether they are any good: Have I made an appropriate and considered reply to my declines? What stage are we at with target candidates (phone, meeting, offer…). None of which appear to be doable in any reasonable way without running a separate spreadsheet.

And using LinkedIn Messaging as the default message tool is diabolocal. It’s template messages are inappropriate, and it is not possible to directly link the messages to the application, so you need to separately search the messaging tool by name to work out the latest status of your messages and who has responded.

At HosPortal we really try hard to look at how people use our software and what tasks they have in mind when they are attempting to administer their rosters and staff. We do not always get it right first time, but we always consider the valuable feedback we get to make roster admin more efficient and less painful. Please let us know what will make your life easier!


Another game of ‘Guess That Button’


Great feedback at CSC2022