Benchmarking report for 2017

Chris, Charles, Seema, Georgie and the rest of the team at HosPortal would like to wish all our users, customers and partners the very best for the season.We recently prepared our 2017 benchmark report for our customers and were pleased to confirm the following activity over the last 12 months:

  • Rostered users: 2,900 in three states
  • Regular on-call rosters administered: 153
  • Regular theatre and clinical sessions staffed: 288 per day
  • On-call shifts staffed in 2017: 48,200
  • On-call shift swaps and amendments managed in the year: 10,400
  • Emails sent each day: 2,500 on average
  • SMS messages sent each day: 660 on average

We look forward to an even bigger 12 months ahead!


New year, new additions: iCal


Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night...