Welcome to our new developer, JC

HosPortal developer Christopher CervantesWe are excited to welcome our new developer Christoper ('JC') to the team. JC is helping with our back-end development at the same time as studying for his Masters of Information Technology majoring in Cybersecurity.JC has previously had ten years' experience in software development, in particular in building government-sponsored software to manage tax and rates collections, mostly in the Philippines.When he is not at work or university JC follows UFC and NBA. Of course with the nerds we have in the HosPortal offices he had to explain to us that these are types of sport, and not some software coding protocols. He is also no couch potato - he goes to the boxing gym to polish up his skills whenever his family duties allow, and says he 'rarely plays video games'.


Shifts in La La Land: nuclear meltdowns, Oscar awards...and HosPortal design


Tracking meeting attendance with QR codes