Technical and bandwidth requirements

As HosPortal grows, and as we are getting more international enquiries, we occasionally get asked what our minimum technical specifications are.They are very simple. For an administrator or user/doctor to access HosPortal they need:

  • access to the internet
  • a modern web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer).
  • if there are strict controls over the hospital firewall, the firewall needs to whitelist our "" domain if they want it to be accessed from in-hospital computers.

That's about it.We design our software to be usable on reasonably low bandwidth and to minimise as far as possible the data sent between the user and our databases. But about three-quarters of our users access HosPortal from their phone or other mobile device, so do not place a demand on hospital bandwidth at all.


New features for on-call rosters


Good design thinking in unexpected places