Software design

One of the things we exercise our minds about quite a lot at HosPortal is how to make our rostering and communications software as intuitive as possible for our users. This is not that easy.

Roster administration for different users

  • We actually have at least two sets of users, being doctors (narrowly-skilled and time-poor) and administrators (knowledgeable about much of the hospital administration, but sometimes with little authority about the way things could be improved).
  • Some of the things we do are not easy to codify and automate, and require judgment and intuition. In fact, one of our first blog posts is about this very issue.

We have thrown the challenge to Jan, our new CTO, to see if he can assist address these things in our upcoming software enhancements, and to Eliza, our customer services manager, to see if she can better codify and document the thought processes we go through when we assist our customers, to provide as much written support as possible.We will address some of these issues in more detail in the coming blog posts.(image courtesy of Indiamart anatomical models)


Welcome to our new CTO


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