Release 16

Release 16 was activated today (and not last week as the first draft of this blog prematurely reported). A big thanks to the ongoing thoughts of the team at Royal Hobart Hospital who have suggested quite a few worthwhile enhancements recently.

Changes that you will now notice include:

  • A new permission option that allows users to view draft shifts but not edit them. Previously, draft shifts were only visible to users who also had edit permissions on those shifts.

  • Ability to attach tags to users on templates. Previously tags could only be applied to shifts, and were not able to be applied to users on the templates. By putting the tags on the template the tags are automatically applied to the users each time a shift is published.

  • Conflict flags are now shown on templates. This allows templates to be checked for conflicts without needing to publish any shifts. The conflict flags are updated when the conflict rules are changed.

  • Better alerts and checking if adding or changing a user template results in a conflict.

  • Ability to update roster times and names, and apply these changes selectively: to all shifts already published in the past and future, only shifts after today, or only when for shifts published in the future.

  • More flexibility to edit in-use templates, such as names and locations, and more flexibility to bulk-edit shifts and templates.

  • Enhancements to roster reports and reporting filters:

    • run roster reports on published, draft or template shifts

    • report on cancelled shifts by tag (e.g. by cancellation reason)

    • report on ad-hoc (non-template) shifts

    • add user profile information, such as an AHPRA number or employee ID, to improve reporting and analysis.

    • ability to report on shift hours by the true date that a shift falls on: rather than report all hours based on when a shift starts, an overnight shift can now have hours before midnight reported on one day and the hours after midnight classified as a second day.

  • Change in colour scheme on self-roster pages which made it difficult for colour-blind administrators to see the status of shifts.

  • It is now easier to fill a user’s template with ‘unallocated’ shifts, e.g. for staff specialists and trainees who might be unallocated for 4 or 5 days per week.

  • Improved formatting of PDF exports, including the ability to see shift tags and ability to include a locations phone number (e.g. the Theatre 1 landline) in the PDF.

  • Fixed presentation of ‘all day’ events in iCal subscriptions.

  • For new customers, we can now set up sites in ‘dark mode’ hidden from any non-administrative users even if rosters are in published state. When an administrator sets a site live all users will be invited automatically and all email and SMS communications are then enabled.

  • Various minor bug fixes and UI improvements.

  • Speed and performance improvements.

Remember that you many need to refresh your browser for all these changes to be visible.

See all our earlier release notes here.


Come see us in Hobart at RACMA 2022


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