Reflections on the market - where is everyone?

At HosPortal we keep our eyes and ears out for what is going on with other software providers and the marketplace for medical scheduling software. This allows us to stay at the leading edge of thinking for our future product releases, and help us work out how we can be of value to even more hospitals and doctors. Occasionally it provides us with some giggles, such as around some clearly lax security.In the next few blogs we will share some of these insights to save you the trouble of the web searches, phone calls and coffee meetings we go through.One of our first insights, and some good news, is that we have not yet found anything that does considerably more than we already offer.But another reflection that strikes us is, where are all the local competitors? We at HosPortal are by far and away the largest at what we do in Australia and New Zealand, at 28 hospitals and over 2,500 doctors, but we are still a very small slice of the market, even in our own region. We estimate that 80% of the competition here is actually against Microsoft, and their well-used rostering tool called Excel.If you, too, think this is not an ideal arrangement for your hospital then we now have business case templates and financial models suitable for use with your finance and administration teams. Get in touch if you want a copy.


HosPortal is growing again


HosPortal is hiring - React developer wanted