More new features

We have had to lift our game since the RACMA conference, with a bunch of roster and patient survey sales leads keeping us all very busy. Apart from demonstrations and video conferences we have also been keeping the developers busy with a myriad of small changes. You might want to check out the following. You now have the ability to:

  • Define and add tags to calltypes, to allow them to be grouped and colour-coded.
  • Define calltypes and tags to have any colour at all, not just the ones our colourblind Commercial Director thought looked OK
  • Add filters to calltypes
  • Add filters to staff lists, and the ability to show each person's 'shortname' (the name that actually appears on the roster, which might only be someone's initials)
  • Use mobile phones from almost any country. Until recently HosPortal assumed that users were based in Australia. With recent New Zealand and other overseas enquiries this is not longer true.
  • Added QR codes to allow people to scan into meetings (more on this in later posts)

 As they say in the software business, we have also made a range of small bug fixes and usability enhancements. Please let us know what you think of the new changes.


Tracking meeting attendance with QR codes


Good feedback from RACMA Day One