Looking back on 2023…to plan for 2024
The HosPortal team came back from the break refreshed and energised for the year ahead. We thought we’d take advantage of this energy to have our first strategy day since Covid interrupted what is normally an annual feature of the HosPortal calendar.
It was exciting to see share some of the observations and facts on the recent years, and think about how we build on this into 2024.
Our users might be interested to hear some of our 2023 statistics, in that we:
Staffed over 710,000 assignments in over 520,000 shifts.
Sent more than 1.5 million emails and 760,000 SMS messages, or more than 6,250 per day in total.
Saw 46% increased web traffic, as a result of both new customers and new functionality, but managed to improve performance and web page transaction time by 11%.
Improved our customer service metrics materially. Our median response time reduced by 33%, to 8.5 minutes, and the time it takes to close out issues raised was reduced by 59%, to 2.7 hours.
We will outline some of our 2024 plans in later blogposts. In the meantime you can see from the photo taken at the end of the strategy day that the team were obviously pretty happy with how things went. To be clear, the moose only wished it was part of the team.
Some of the HosPortal team generating new ideas for 2024…