Getting the best out of HosPortal Roster during COVID-19

In addition to making use of our SMS and email functions (see our prior blogpost), customers should be considering some other ways that HosPortal can assist manage doctors and other staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some features that might be useful include:

  • HosPortal's Documents feature, to store and share protocols, updates and other documents between staff. Access can be limited to certain types of individuals, or made accessible to everyone. All documents are easily accessible from any device at any location, at any time of the day.
  • HosPortal's Events, to plan and run additional meetings and information sessions.
  • The QR Code tracker on the Events page can efficiently and accurately record attendance and be used to generate audit reports for training or compliance purposes.
  • The self-roster features can be used to quickly build and populate additional ad hoc rosters or add additional clinical staff to existing duties.
  • HosPortal has a range of reports and exports that allow monitoring of activities and statistics, to monitor over-working, supervision of trainees and fairness in shift assignments.
  • Allocations templates and on-call templates can have date ranges applied to them. Existing templates can be made dormant while your facility undertakes Covid-19 activities, or the templates can be amended to rapidly get rid of backlogs after the Covid-19 crisis has passed.

Note also that, although our staff are now all working from home, our ability to respond to help desk queries is unchanged. Many of our help-desk responses are made from home even in normal times! Talk to us about our healthcare rostering software.


Preference-based rostering - new video demonstration


COVID-19 response: SMS for all customers