Demonstrations online - check out our YouTube page

It looks like the word is getting around about how our software reduces cost and risk for rostering doctors. We have now getting lots more enquiries, and have to do a few demonstrations each month to potential customers. So far we do not seem to have lost a head-to-head pitch against a competitor.Generally we prefer to do our demos 'live' (via a screen-share): it allows some quality discussion about the unique circumstances and options for each hospital, and HosPortal is sophisticated enough that we try to focus on only the subset of features most relevant to the potential customer.

Video demonstrations on YouTube

But we also have some video demonstrations, which can distill what can be an hour's discussion into about 5 minutes.Our YouTube channel has some some live screen captures of HosPortal in action. No one claims them to be Hollywood it is good that our underlying product gets five-star reviews from our users (and our professional software developers are better than our in-house video producer)!For an overview of our rostering software, click hereFor a deep-dive into our preference-based rostering, click hereFor a look at our patient survey tool, called Connect, click here


Come see us at the ASA conference


Demonstrating at the ASA Conference in Adelaide