Come and visit us at the ASA

We have had some wonderful feedback here at the ASA National Scientific Convention. On Day 1  we have had a half-dozen doctors come over to us to say how easy HosPortal is to use, how much our scheduling and rostering software has improved the operations of their hospital, and how much they value our features.

What people love

Document store

We have had a few people comment favourably about one area that we do not emphasise very often: our document storage system. Hospitals use our Documents feature to store and access policies and practice guides that are used by both consultants and trainees. Doctors can access and read these easily at any time they are able to reach their mobile device.

Quick access to contacts

The other feature one doctor loved was the ability to quickly look up the details and make contact with any doctor via our Staff list.Sometimes it is the simple things, done well, that make the difference.


 People have also been very interested in the new version of our patient survey software, Connect. We are adding new features and enhancements every week, so it is great to get feedback that we are moving in the right direction.


Feedback on Connect, our patient survey software


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