Great feedback…

We recently received some unsolicited feedback from a customer that went live in the second half of the year. The Head of Department of a medium-sized public hospital department copied us on a note he sent to his internal team to talk about how HosPortal has helped with their rostering and clinical allocations.

Some of the quotes we thought other potential customers might like:

Hosportal is really facilitating [our] process very well. It has cut down errors and made access and realtime updating of the roster much easier.

…the Hosportal staff have been extremely helpful

The program integrates leave and the regular allocations which minimises errors and anyone who gets double allocated as this immediately shows up as a problem.

A few of us have access such as the JMO roster person as well as myself and the admin staff so we can log in very easily and make changes without having to wait for the admin person. This is useful for short term swaps for the weekend or evenings

Our admin support person … is extremely happy with this process. It is much easier than syncing between three or four excel spreadsheets and manually entering etc. She is still extremely busy with everything else but Hosportal has been a major success in reducing the amount of work and efficiency of rostering…

We were also talking to another user at another site, a senior consultant doctor and roster administrator, who was contacted by a potential customer at a hospital in Queensland as a reference site. She told us that after the call the potential customer had to ask if she was on our payroll because the review was so glowing!

We love anecdotes like this. So whether you want to put them in writing or just phone them through, please get in touch!


Christmas updates for you, and you, and you…Release 35 and Release 36


See HosPortal for Emergency Medicine at ACEM ASM